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Bagaimana belajar Bahasa Inggeris
Monday, July 7, 2008

OK..this is going to be kinda weird..but this time I will be posting in full Bahasa Melayu, the official language of Malaysia. Anyway, this post is about how to learn English.


Selamat datang ke blog yang entahhapahapaentah ini. Kebelakangan saya tengok ramai yang di kaca TV yang suka campur adukkan BM dengan BI. Rojak gila-babi dan meluat saya tengok. Jadi, di sini saya akan cuba ulaskan bagaimana saya belajar BI dari kecil sehingga sekarang.

Mungkin kebanyakkan dari teknik saya yang berikutnya tidak boleh diterima pakai atas beberapa sebab, seperti wang dan cara hidup keluarga. Sebelum itu, harus diberitahu bahawa mak saya tidak tahu langsung BI dan ayah saya boleh bertutur dalam BI dengan sempurna macam perdana menteri Uganda.

Berikut adalah kronologi pembelajaran saya :

Semasa Tak Tahu Apa2, 1-5 tahun
Buat bodoh..

Semasa Kecik Gila, 5-10 tahun

"Komik Itu Bagus"
Telah diberikan satu kotak besar (kiranya besar sebab semasa itu saya kecil...) yang mempunya komik-komik superhero dari USA, contohnya X-Men, X-Factor, Fantastic Four, Daredevil, dan sebagainya. Nak tanya mak, mak pun tak faham..Nak tanya ayah, ayah kerja sekuriti (selalu takda kat rumah).. Jadi apa yang saya buat? Mintak mak belikan kamus. Takda sapa suruh, takda sapa paksa, saya sendiri yang fikir kalau tak faham kena pakai kamus. Oleh itu, membaca komik itu menjadi lebih seronok! Contoh paling senang ialah apabila saya berhadapan dengan perkataan, "Liar." Mak cakap itu maksudnya orang itu seorang yang..err...liar dan tak reti duduk diam. Tapi, dalam komik tu situasi dia macam salah (saya fikir sendiri). Jadi, saya cari kamus saya tu.. tapi....tak faham jugak.. Kamus harga RM5 la katakan...

Tiba2, suatu hari tu sedang tonton McGyver (ke..Airwolf..tak ingat..) ada seorang pelakon tu sebut satu perkataan yang kalau difikirkan macam L I A R. Jadi, saya tengok terjemahan kat TV tu, dia tulis "PENIPU".. Haha.. Maka oleh itu, barulah saya faham! Kan seronok!

Moral :

1. pakai kamus.
2. jangan malu.
3. jangan beli kamus bahasa melayu atau cina

Semasa Kecik Gila, 11-18 tahun

"Subtitle Itu Tak Bagus"
Selalu tengok TV? Selalu tengok TV dan tengok subtitle/terjemahan kat bawah tu? Ikut apa yang saya buat dulu. Ambil selotep kertas putih (masking tape) dan tampal belah bawah tu banyak-banyak sampai tak dapat baca terjemahan dia. Sediakan satu kamus (yang harga lebih dari RM5). Kalau tak faham, cuba tulis di atas kertas bunyi perkataan itu disebut. Contohnya, "blog" menjadi "belog", ataupun "deja vu" menjadi "day ja voo". Selepas itu cuba hubungi rakan yang pandai dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan sebutkan ayat2 itu kepadanya. Itu yang saya buat dulu.

Moral :

1. sampai bila nak tengok subtitle?
2. tampal selotep selepas dapat persetujuan. Nanti kena baling batu-bata. Kang susah.
3. tonton dvd yang dahulunya kita pernah tengok, tapi kali ini ulang lagi sekali tanpa subtitle. Hafal cara sebutannya.

"Jangan Tengok Cerita Melayu atau Cerita Cina (bergantung pada bangsa anda"
Sudah menjadi kebiasaan untuk menonton rancangan yang anda memang faham. Kalau tak faham, bagaimana pula hendak menikmatinya. Tapi, nikmat kadangkala akan memusnahkan anda. Kadangkala sebab ayah dan emak yang nak tengok, jadi kita tiada pilihan lain. Kadang2 disebabkan oleh perli oleh keluarga, "Alah, kau tengok cerita omputih macam paham.. Meh sini remote, aku nak tengok Sure Heboh." Senang, beli dvd banyak2 dan tengok sendiri dengan PC anda atau dengan notebook anda. Saya telah tonton Matrix sebanyak 27 kali semata-mata untuk menaikkan tahap BI saya. Saya juga telah tonton filem Snatch sebanyak 16 kali. Kalau kamu boleh faham dialog2 di dalam cerita Snatch, baguslah. Sebab..macam bahasa alien.. Brad Pitt lak tu..

Moral :

1. Sure Heboh adalah rancangan paling buang masa di dunia dan tiada faedah. Kalau kamu ada 10minit lagi untuk hidup, kamu nak tengok rancangan yang macam tu?
2. Kadang2 keluarga adalah punca. Berikanlah dorongan.

Semasa Dewasa, 19-31 tahun

"Rojak not bagus, well.."
Apabila telah mendapatkan pekerjaan, kita sudah boleh mula mempraktikkan BI. Jika boss anda bukan Melayu, baguslah. Jika supervisor anda bukan Melayu, baguslah. Selalulah berkomunikasi dalam BI. Walaupun "broken", JANGAN sesekali dicampur adukkan dengan BM sebab itu akan memusnahkan kamu. Apabila kamu mencampur adukkan bahasa, ia akan menjadi kebiasaan. Bila ada pelancung yang tiba2 menghampiri kamu untuk panduan, perkara pertama yang kamu akan fikirkan adalah, "Alamak..camna nak cakap ni.." ataupun terus melarikan diri. Apabila kita sudah biasa berkomunikasi secara penuh dalam BI, kita akan menjawab semua2 orang putih itu dengan biasa.. Percayalah cakap saya..

Moral :

1. Bahasa Inggeris = Bahasa Inggeris. Bahasa Melayu = Bahasa Melayu
2. Kadang2 keluarga adalah punca. Berikanlah dorongan.

Untuk sebarangan komen, tinggalkan pesanan.

Terima kasih kerana membaca.
it's 8:35 PM now

I'm taking back control, with my knuckles
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Just wanna let you guys know that I've completed the project that I mentioned on my previous post. I've also bought a new mobile last week Sunday, it was an SE W910i. Despite the critics I find this "Best 2008 Mobilephone" is..the best ever phone I've ever use.

Anyway, I'm not really in a good mood right now, maybe tired. I keep getting coming in late to the office eventho I really try to wake up early. Sorry, HR. I'm trying...

For the sake of being moody..I'm going to post this video from Five Finger Death Punch, entitled "White Knuckles" (just the lyrics). I'll see you guys around. Oh..thanks for dropping by to my "emo corner of the world"

it's 11:28 PM now

I'm no Jesus
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I don't know what to say. Just the fact that I'm too good to people, and the fact that I can't say 'NO' to favors. I have always been busy in the office but always have time to help guys in trouble or with favors. I have no problem spending 5minutes just to help see if the server is working fine or not, 5minutes to help reboot several PCs (which are not under my jurisdiction) , 5minutes to reset the modems, blablablabla.. You know why?

Because I like to help.

Why is it when it's my time to get some help in the office I get, "Sorry, I have no time for you" or "I'm busy!" instead?

All I wanted to ask was a simple Yes or No question.

Me :"Were you the one who did this?"
Them: "Sorry, I have no time for you"
Me :"It's a simple Yes or No question"
Them: "I'm doing something urgent here"
Me: "Oh..sorry to bother you..."

How rude. I never blow off people like that. Even the times when people really need my help, I would think first if I can settle it in just several minutes. If I can't I would politely say that I am busy and would attend to that person shortly when I have the time (and then most of the time I'd forget about it... sorry ya...*especially to Bethamy*)

My work has been slowed down for 2 weeks now because I have no idea of how to do programming or those server-side stuff (Apache,Mohawk or whatever). I was born a designer and the only programming I know is MS DOS Basic programming back in the 80's. Therefore, for my current project, I've forced myself to learn these PHP programming bullshit that I don't know even a small bit. All I know about PHP are 'IF' and 'END' tags. So, when the project is going really slow, people would come to me and say, "Can you please hurry up?" Fucking jibai suckers. I work alone, okay? Do you see me working with a programmer? And yeah, i've requested for programmers help. All i get is a blank stare and,

Boss : "duh..why do you need a programmer to help you with it?"
Me : "err...these are programming stuff.."
Boss : "do you know that the programmers are busy and fully occupied right now"

I was gonna say "so, let's just wait for them to finish" but it's gonna sound that I'm just being hostile. So i just told him, "oh yeah, if I get into any problem, Google is my friend. No problem, man!"

But..people has also advised me to go ahead and do myself, because if I managed to pull it off, I would given the thumbs up.

Or maybe I'm just stupid and all I know is to say, "Yeah you're right!"

I just don't want to say anything anymore to HR because I would be labeled as a crybaby. But I do hope that they noticed that I'm late for work for 2 months straight now (but check out what time I usually go back, and take note what time my boss comes in and out). That would actually tells you something. It's not exactly my intention to come late every day, it's just that every morning when I open my eyes from sleep, I would tell myself, "Another hell.."

Sorry by the way..I don't kiss anyone's ass.

Ah fuck..tomorrow is another day. Bye.

p.s: Bethamy, I hope you're doing fine learning 3DStudio Max. It's very easy, ok. Go get some wallpapers with cool 3D renders and set it as your desktop wallpaper and then tell yourself, "I can do that too. Piece of cake." So everyday when you turn on the PC, you'll see the wallpaper first, and every singel day much closer to your ambition/dream.
it's 10:10 PM now

Hydro Majestic Hotel Penang vs Sunway Seberang Jaya Hotel Penang
Friday, March 28, 2008

On the 23rd until 27th of March, I was actually in Penang to meet my girlfriend. Yeap.. only a handful of people knows about her. We've been together since January 11th. So it was basically my second trip there because I've been there before back in 1998 to meet her (same person). It was faith and karma that made us to meet again. But I don't want to talk about my love stories anymore in my blog as I'd like to keep it personal.

Bottomline..I've never been happier in my life. :)

I stayed in Hydro Majestic Hotel (yes, "I", not "we") at Ferrenghi Beach for just RM190 per night. When I reached there, I got confused a lil bit coz the lobby doesn't look like a lobby! It's unique, niche and trendy. Absolutely beautiful. (I didn't take much photos of the hotel coz dun wanna be called a pervert, orang kampung or something..).

I checked out from there and checked-in into Sunway Seberang Jaya Hotel, which was a total letdown. Their roomrate was RM280. Here's the down and low between those 2 hotels from my opinion, in point form : (coz I'm lazy to type..heh)



1. Awesome lobby design
2. Spacious room
3. Very very friendly staff (even the housekeepers said "good evening" to me)
4. Their receptionists are attentive and friendly
5. I had a problem with my luggage bag lock, so i called for an assistance to pry it open. The staff came in less than 5minutes with a big ass cutter. It was around midnight. Thank you!
6. Good view of the beach (ok, my room didn't have the best view of the beach but still beautiful)
7. Lots of pillows!! woohoo!
8. Very comfortable bed
9. Near to the beach, just across the street (but I couldn't go there bcoz it was rainy :( )
10. Free parking space


1. Well, I only got one gripe, which would be the hotel's lame and boring TV channels selection. But hey, why the heck would u wanna stay in the room? Go out! LOL!
2. Oh ya..no morning newspaper.



1. Very close to the town; therefore no problem for you to get around or get food


1. Unfriendly staff. Stare at me and my gf for what..say Hello or Good Morning or something..
2. Parking is damn expensive unless u get your parking slip stamped in the lobby.
3. Small room

MY VERDICT : Hydro Majestic Hotel Winz!

I totally enjoyed my stay there and will be coming back ^^v

To check out the photos of my recent Penang trip, you can go to the following Flickr link. BTW, I snapped almost hundreds of photos so what you see here are not that much (yeah..i'm lazy to upload..)

Here are the places I've been to this time around:

1. Penang Hill
2. Komtar (eh, this place is still alive?)
3. Lots of local eateries. Do you like seafood? Go to Penang! (i can't eat seafood tho..&$%@!!..)
4. Ferry rides
5. Autocity
6. Padang Kota Lama
7. Padang Kota Baru
8. Shopping malls that I've forgot the names
9. The stalls at Gurney dunnowat (I forgot...)

Check out Photos of Shizu's Penang Trip
it's 10:51 PM now

Of boxer shorts, push ups and Jack Welch (who?)
Sunday, March 9, 2008

On Friday night, something 'what the hell' but good thing happened. Me and the floor manager actually went out after work to a cybercafe to play Granado Espada. Till today, I still can't believe that I went out with him. When I told the officemates about it before leaving the office, everyone was like "yeah right". But hey, it did happened. He helped me buy Gpoints (for Granado Espada) for the double experience thingy and currently I'm at level 62 :)

He had to send me to the train at about 10:30pm coz I told him that my mom is normally alone at home. Oh yeah, I borrowed from him a book called "Winning" by Jack Welch who was the CEO of General Electrics. I've taken the initiative to go into management line. I'm 31 and should be firing people. Eh.. I mean, doing the planning and management stuff. If you are planning to become a leader of a company, buy that book (nah, I won't get any credits from Amazon). It'll teach you lots about becoming one and how to handle problematic staff.

Yesterday, I have started back doing pushups and I wanna say that body hurts like hell right now. 5 years back I could do 50~100 pushups.. Now I can only do till 30 pushups! This sucks. I'm gonna keep doing it until I can get back to 100.

Today, I just keep on leveling my GE characters but went out around 2pm to buy a couple of BUM boxer shorts and a Gatsby hair spray. Meh..should have bought a cap as well coz it's a pain to keep setting my hair every morning nowadays.

Nothing much to say for this post. See ya laterss.
it's 11:16 PM now

Goodbye 2007. Oh no..it's 2008.
Monday, March 3, 2008

Yes I know that it's already March, 2008. But today, I'm feeling a bit sentimental. So I went through some of the pics I still have in my pc and mobilephones and see events that has taken place before in 2007.

Surprisingly..lots of bad stuff in 2007. One of the reason that I wanna recap 2007 is because in 2008 me and my family will be making some important decisions. Me and my family will be moving, but not together. As at right now, our family has been pushed to sell the land and being promised to be given another house instead.

But..i never never trust malays. I'm mixed of both chinese and malay, in case you didn't know. So, I'm gonna get my family a lawyer so we won't be cheated. Hey, you know any lawyer that wanna help us for free? Lemme know ya. (I'm not playing here :/ )

Hmm.. 2007. Good things and lots of bad things. Here are the big ones.

1. First time on a plane, to Kuching to meet my girlfriend (now ex).
2. Resigned from MirageWorks, first time doing 3D and digital imaging as a pro.
3. My house burnt down. I totally stopped believing in god on that day and ever.
4. Joined Offgamers

9th of June 2007 : House burnt down

Back portion of the house at the moment

My current room with no bed and cupboard.

Damai Beach Lagoon Resort that I miss so much! I miss the memories there.

2008 plans?

1. Being forced to sell the land, my family will move to... dunno where..
2. Resign from my current job and move to a different state.
3. Open a retail shop that sells online games stuff (not everyone got creditcard, u know..)
4. Release a demo album with a project band.
5. Penetrate the 3D scene again, targeting international exposures.
it's 12:03 AM now

Attica! Attica!
Friday, February 8, 2008

The HR Director spoke with me on Friday and said that she would like my opinion if our department goes to 5days week. I was like.. wow, they really do cares. But is this an aftermath? A guy in my department has tendered his resignation because going for further studies, another 2 dudes also thinking of leaving in the next few months (I'm so dead if everyone is leaving...) and I'm still thinking if I should stay here and go back into graphics design. Personally, I HATE people who changes job just because of trying to get a better salary. FYI, I was offered to work with Citibank with double my salary now 1 week ago. But I didn't wanna go there. Because I'm gonna have to meet those uber customers..which I don't prefer to. It's just not my cup of tea. I don't do this meet-people sales thingy, m'kay. I'd rather stay here and work my ass off.

I'm getting better anyway, and the managers doesn't get pissed with me that often now. I am in fact, grateful to work here. I have never ever got salary passed RM$1200 in my entire life. Hmm..washing cars back then for a mere RM$2 per day makes me wanna cry now.. I worked hard and long enough, and I deserve my current salary. So, those people in my department actually fought for a 5days week since 2 years ago. And, they've won :)

Congratulations. Don't fricking quit will ya. Pussies.

Other than that, been playing Granado Espada hardcore these few weeks. I've just got Grace Bernelli in my team and I have to level her up (my main chars at the moment is at level 47-48). Damn, this is annoying..Why does Bernelli have to start at level 32.. RAWR.

My GE family ; Valkyrs. This was when they were at Porto Bello Dock. BTW, I'm in Vivaldi server.

And, today is the second day of Chinese New Year.. and my mom doesn't wanna go meet her chinese mom this year... Will both of you quit messing around? Grow up! Past is past! (that would also mean, no ang pao for me this year.... :( )

Bleh, I gtg sleep now coz I have to work tomorrow. There's a big project coming up (i'm a one man army) so hopefully I can get it done (at least the proposal) before the company founder ..mmm..I can't tell you that part..

Ja~ ne
it's 10:42 PM now

Finally, a new artwork.
Sunday, February 3, 2008

Warming up my hands again with Photoshop and manipulation. The latest is entitled "Everdream", because I was listening to Nightwish when I was doing it. Yeah, lame reason.

Check it out at http://firebreed.deviantart.com/art/Everdream-76360598

Shall I go do Dark Art again? Or Angelic Art? Hmm..

Btw, I've cut my hair this afternoon! This time it's really a japanese highschool reject. Haha. Cost me around RM40 at my fave saloon ; Yess Studios, Old Klang Road, near Pearl Point. And oh yeah, SE S500i camera really sucks. My Motorola V3x phone (same 2MP camera) is waaayy better than this. Too bad, I can't even turn on that phone again after a big big fall. Meh.

p.s: i had to crop the pic coz my room was really uhmm..messy... :p

it's 10:53 PM now

Back to normal blog skin
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bethamy "complained" that the top header image was disturbing and gruesome (to her..) and she wasn't able to leave any "comments" for any of my posts. So, what the heck, I've changed everything back to default. So, eat your heart out and leave comments! =)

It's my lunch time right now, so..... /run
it's 1:40 PM now

Takes guts to live with a face full with scars. Can you?
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Last Friday, I went back with the office HR staff (which will remain anonymous for privacy sake). Normally I would try to finish up my work as soon as possible so that I could go back with her (yeah, I know..). I get frustrated sometimes if I couldn't finish up my work when she comes over and say, "Hey, quick quick!". I used to have the hots for her but decided to just let it go. I have the tendency to go with relationship that I know gonna get me into such headache. She's not the same race and religion as me, eventho I'm an Atheist..but hey, this is Malaysia, land of freedom (bwahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!)

coff coff..uhmm.. Anyways..

I MSN-ed her and said to get ready to go back (around 6:30pm). She said she'll wait me downstairs bcoz she's already done with her work. I panicked bcoz I haven't wrote my daily report yet. After pushing the Turbo button I managed to get it done in less than 60secs. (Hmm..i wonder what i wrote in the daily report..) so I went down and waited for her. U know what...she stood me up again. It's her attitude, that she can't wait for several more minutes. So there I was, smoking another ciggy. And then I thought..bleh..I should just go home. Right before I cross the road nearby a clinic here, I gave her a call. Surprisingly, she said that she's coming down! WTH. So I ran back and waited... Lalala.. Odd enough, I'm waiting for her instead of the other way around.

Anyway, she kept "playing" with her mobilephone, all the time keeping her head down. When we were gonna sit down and wait for the train to come.....she sat on the right side of the steel bench..normally she would sit on the left.. Weird eh.

And then she would continue to play with her mobilephone, all the while keeping her hair to the frontside as much as possible. I knew something was not right... Same thing with when we got into the train, she would sit on the right. "What's she hiding?", I thought. Throughout the journey she never dared to look at my face. So it was my stop, and then she finally looked at me to say goodbye and I saw what was wrong with her ; she got some small scars near her lips and right side of her face. (maybe she fell down). I was..ahhhhh..now I know why..

Right after I get off the train, I sent her a text message,

"Don't be afraid of how you look like."

She replied back saying of how I could managed to know about it and said thank you.

Wow.. life is interesting.

So how do you think people like me with thousands of hole on my face live and face the community? If you read my post regarding 2002, I would just fuck you off with my small small fist (which still surprises me with its devastating effect..bleh). Nowadays, I just keep it in my heart. No point of getting into trouble now. I'm 30~31. I'm tired.

You know, I'm glad and not glad. Glad that atleast someone on earth understands how it feels like to live with "not perfect" face. I'm not glad bcoz I know how she's feeling right now.

"HR Girl, be strong ya! And don't forget my salary.. Hehe.."

Anyway, I feel bad about posting the 2002 blog the other day. Eventho those were the things I would pretty much like to express, I guess those aren't right or civilized. Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings.

To my floor manager ; Take it easy, man. I know what you're going through. I got the same faith as yours exactly on New Year. Yes, it's true ; Alpha and Omega. What ever ends comes with a new beginning. If you wanna go lunch or yam cha with me some day, just let me know. Yes I know, you read my blog.....

To wrap things off for today, here are some memorable quotes from Offgamers's staff :

"Everybody is born stupid. But I learned to fuck." -Floor Manager. How disconcerting....
"What's the ETA? Where's your report?" -A colleague imitating the Flr Mgr..everyday..
""God" is nothing more than a marketing scheme." -A fellow Atheist in the office.

Misc Things:
1. Playing Granado Espada again. The Flr Mgr gave me 1million Vis. Woohoo!
2. Playing Need For Speed ProStreet. Goddamn..the R35 is sure as hell good looking.
it's 9:29 PM now

Fairoz Shizumaru
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Born on October 1977
Half Libra, Half Scorpio

  • Author's art page
  • Bethamy's Blog
  • Vava's 961 Issue Blog
  • Ijat's Nissan Sunny Project

    April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 July 2008

    other links
    Where I work Damai Puri Resort & Spa, Kuching (formerly known as Damai Lagoon Resort) Hydro Majestic, Penang